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A collection of rookie cards with RC logos 

Why are rookie cards valuable?

There’s no denying that rookie cards tend to be the most popular versions to collect, whether it’s an athlete like Kobe Bryant, or a fictional character like Pikachu

(After all, almost everyone would prefer a 1st Edition Shadowless version of Charizard compared to reprints that came out only months after.)

But why are rookie cards so popular in comparison to others, and are they really worth paying a premium for? 

Here’s everything you need to know about why rookie cards are so important within the card collecting hobby, and why you’re always likely to pay extra when there’s an RC logo attached. 

Why are Rookie Cards so Valuable?

To put it simply; it’s because they’re the first cards to feature the subject. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sport that doesn’t have a traditional rookie class, such as soccer, or MMA

It’ll be their first licensed card, which could come years before or after their professional debut. 

A rookie card isn’t always produced during a player’s rookie season because there could have been cards that fit the definition printed in previous years. 

It is generally agreed that to be a true rookie card, the card must be part of a product’s base set. Traditionally, insert cards of any type are generally not considered to be rookie cards.

However, that rule has proved to be less important in recent years. (I personally wouldn’t turn down a valuable insert that comes with an RC logo.)

RCs: Logos and True Rookies 

RC logos are a great addition to the majority of modern sets, making it easy to spot any new additions to a roster. 

The design may differ slightly depending on the sport. For example, here’s the logo for a Formula 1 RC, complete with a couple of racing flags:

The Formula 1 RC logo

As we’ve mentioned above, a true rookie card is an original release from a base set. However, given the higher print runs seen with many sets, numbered parallels are often the best place to look for valuable options. 

An XRC card is another designation which can be confusing for collectors. 

XRC stands for ‘eXtended Rookie Card’. Typically, the XRC designation refers to cards before a player is actually a rookie in their respective league. (This is more commonly seen with US sports that use a drafting system.) 

Rookies and Modern Sets 

It gets muddied ever so slightly given the sheer number of sets produced in modern years. Should we only consider the first card to feature a player as their true RC? What if they have multiple cards within the same set? 

It’s not uncommon for more popular players to have 10+ cards with an RC logo released over the course of a season. 

For example, as the No. 3 pick in the 2009 NBA draft, there are over 25 James Harden rookie cards.

While it does dilute the importance of their true RC, it does give collectors multiple options, and keeps prices from rising too rapidly for all but the very best rookie cards. 

Some collectors are only interested in RCs. Others prefer the rarest option available. 

Check prices of PSA 10 rookie autos on eBay 

The Importance of RCs: Summary 

Most collectors will have an idea of why rookie cards tend to be preferred to all others. 

A rookie card will typically be more valuable than later alternatives, with a bigger aftermarket to sell to. This is especially true for vintage options, which will lack an RC logo. 

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, such as if it’s an unlicensed card, or an XRC.

You should now have a better idea of what an RC logo means, and why they’re so important for card collectors. 

It’s the reason why rookie cards are so valuable compared to normal versions, and why they’re likely to be worth more in the future. 

Check prices of PSA 10 rookie autos on eBay 

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